Let’s start from the beginning that is the end, the conclusion and at the same time, the postulate of MT: the construction of “S.E.M.M.” logic : Space = Energy = Mass = Matter.
The Big Bang falls in all respects in the Standard Model and implies, in its cosmological expansion development, the principles of quantum mechanics. The various stages of its expansion and cooling, traverse through the broken symmetry of the initial formation of particles such as neutrinos, electrons and quarks, and finally to the nucleosynthesis.
When Edwin Hubble discovered that the distance of distant galaxies is proportional to their redshifts, this observation was used as evidence that galaxies and clusters have an apparent velocity of removal for a given point of observation: more distant they are,higher their apparent speed. If the distance between galaxies clusters is increasing today, this matter suggests that all space objects were closer in the past and going back in time, temperature and density tend to infinity and so we arrive at a moment when these values are so higher than the current physical theories are no longer applicable (this was a very small fraction of a second after the beginning of the process). In fact, for example, some physical quantities at the initial take infinite value.
The construction of particle accelerators has allowed us to verify the behavior of matter under extreme conditions, but these accelerators haven’t the opportunity to examine in depth the system of higher energies. Without any experimental data on the physical conditions associated with the earliest moments of the expansion, the Big Bang theory is not adeguate to describe the initial condition, nevertheless it provides an excellent description of the evolution of the universe from a certain period of time then.
The origin of Space and Time.
Diego Tasselli (astrophysicist) - Abstract.
Recent astrophysics confirmations carry the history of the universe to begin about 15 billion years ago.
Before this event matter does not exist in the way that we know and with which we are accustomed to interact, but it was in the form of pure energy. But you can not say anything about the state of the universe before the initial moment (or istant) called by astronomers and astrophysicists T = 0. It is supposed that at that moment everything was condensed into a point of zero size and infinite energy, the "singularity", where the concept of chronological time (as we conceive it) had no meaning, because time itself was born! Our understanding of the universe in fact, comes at time T = 10^-43 seconds after the Big Bang, at which time all four fundamental forces of nature, that are, gravity, strong nuclear, weak nuclear force and electromagnetic force were unified. This condition was made possible by the very high temperature therein. A few billionths of a second after the explosion, the four forces separate and the first to come off was gravity, followed by all others. This creates the conditions to begin to form elementary particles like quarks and photons, which are the building blocks of ordinary matter. This moment is what scientists call "inflation", a physical process in which the size of Universe take a centimeter in a billionth of a second, that is to say on balance that universe expand faster than speed of light. The inflationary universe theory, although difficult to verify, it is plausible and is in aid in the explanation of some unexplained behavior and facts of the infant universe, first and foremost the fact that the universe today (at least what we know) is formed from matter that is all that remains of the "primordial soup", the mixture of matter and antimatter generated in the wake of the explosion. In theory these entities were the same quantity and billions of times greater than the amount of present survivor matter: matter and anti matter interacted annihilating their essence and transformed into pure energy. Therefore actual matter could be the result of phenomena produced by the existence of "fluctuations" created in the inflationary expansion. A thousandth of a second after the Big Bang quarks gather together in triplets forming protons and neutrons. In those moments, (if we had been present), we could not see anything because the photons, which are the bearers of light energy, interacted with protons and neutrons that quarks generated.
It will take about 300,000 years for the matter to become stable and meets the second elementary chemical patterns going to make two simple gases: hydrogen and helium. The photons do not interact at this point and are released with more consistency throughout the universe in the form of electromagnetic radiation. Today, this radiation, called "fossil radiation", is omnidirectional and completely homogeneous, in fact it constitutes the most convincing evidence to support the Big Bang theory.
From now on we are dealing with a situation more familiar and better represented.
Space and time dilate, galaxies formed since to that time begin to move away the one from the other, it forms the universe as we observe it today.
Let's start with the last statement: "space and time dilate." The analogy is often made is the "balloon" that swells, imagining do it in four dimensions (including time) instead of only three. This is not an explosion, even if it is called Big Bang, but just an expansion. The balloon is inflated, but without tears. It’s a “continuum” temporal space, as Einstein thought, in which space and time dimensions are not clearly distinguishable, so much so that in the relativistic four-vector components along with the "type space" exists to "timelike" dx = cdt. Each "event" is characterized by three spatial and one temporal components. No time without space and vice versa. Space comes with BB and with matter and then expands.
But "in what" is expanded if the space was created with BB?
It expands into matter and with matter with which it was born from the BB, that means that space is matter.
In classical physics matter generically means anything that has mass and occupies space, or alternatively the substance of which physical objects are composed, excluding energy due to the contribution of the force fields.
This definition, sufficient for macroscopic physics (mechanics, thermodynamics, etc.), is no longer suitable for modern atomic and subatomic physics, for which the space occupied by an object is mostly empty, and the energy is equivalent to mass (E = mc^2). You can, however, adopt the definition that matter is made up of a certain class of smaller, physically detectable fundamental entities: these particles are called fermions and follow the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no more than two fermions can exist in the same quantum state. Because of this principle, the particles that compose matter are not all in the state of minimum energy and then you can create stable structures of assembled fermions.
Additional class of particles, bosons, constitute the fields ; so they can be considered agents operating assemblies of fermions or their modifications, interactions and exchanges of energy. A metaphor, not entirely correct from a physical point of view, but powerful and intuitive, sees the fermions as the bricks that make up the universe's matter, and bosons as glues or cements that hold them together in some ways to constitute physical reality.
So anything that occupies space and has mass is known as matter. In physics, there isn’t a broad consensus for a common definition of matter, in part because the notion of "taking up space" is poorly defined and inconsistent in the context of quantum mechanics. Physicists do not define clearly what is meant by matter, preferring instead to use and refer to more specific concepts of mass, energy and particles.
According to this view, no matter the light (consisting photons), the gravitons and mesons. Yet all have energy for which (according to the relativistic mass-energy equivalence) also have mass. So Mass = Energy, but Mass = Matter, then Mass = Matter = Energy and, for what has been said about space : S=E=M=M.
And time? Time itself does not exist, as suggested by experiments "entanglement" conducted by Alain Aspect in 1982 with polarized photons. It is a "category" of human thought. In the absence of matter, such as space, time does not exist. It is born from BB with a space and matter and, therefore, for “S.E.M.M. logic” is matter and space itself.
The size of the eternal, as claimed by Emanuele Severino recovering Eleatic thought, is already present and is the only existing reality.
Stefano Gusman.