venerdì 8 gennaio 2010


The “Alice” experiment, projected in Large Hadron Collider, involves the collision between heavy nucleus (Pb) to detect a quark – gluon plasma. In the common meaning the plasma is a state of matter, electrically neutral, composed by electrons and ions, but in this case the total charge would be made up by the fractional charges, positive and negative, of the quarks. The main of this plasma to show itself would have to be a continuous spectre of emission.
In the Shroedinger’s atomic model the position of electronic negative charge around the nucleus is scattered in a “cloud” of probability, in agreement with its double nature, point/bullet – wave. So if the electric negative charge can be a wave the positive one could be a wave too aboveall in a plasma. Then there wouldn’t be a definied boundary between two quarks or a quark and a gluon, and so between proton and electron. A quark would be made up by waves with highest frequency and confined by a swinging space with higher frequency to retain them.
Let’s suppose a space set up by transversal sinusoidal waves with same frequency and size, simmetrically polarized, propagating with equals and opposite speed. These ones could be like the fields B and E of electromagnetism, but the thrust would be equivalent to the one that spreads on a cord. Otherwise e.m. waves transport motion quantity and angular moment. Interfering these waves would create stationary ones, without propagation of energy, but only potential one, as bigger as higher the frequency. When a mass would break this simmetry some train of waves would start to propagate and would create a radiant pressure on the mass surface. With obvious considerations two masses would be pushed one towards the other. This would be a possibile explanation of Casimir effect and “zero point” energy. The fine structure of matter could be an “energetic” space characterized by a specific energy, expressed in Joule /m^3 (that are, not for the chance, the dimensions of a pressure expressed in Pascal), proportional to the frequency of oscillations. In this kind of space a mass like a quark would be comprexed on its surface and two quarks pushed one towards the other like happens with "strong nuclear interaction" of standard model.To not collapse the quark would contain a sufficient kinetic energy given by internal waves too.
The break of atomic components of the nucleus would break this balance too so, by one side there would be a release of the internal energy of the quarks like in comprexed springs, by the other side trains of waves would spread towards the spaces leaved by the quarks in possible mini black holes that would quickly evaporate giving out Hawking’s radiation because would accumulate much energy in a little space and would have to release a share of it to re-establish the balance with the surrounding space.
So we should have also in the Standard Model a real "continuum" like Einstein thought, in a first time, for his gravitational theory.
The Higg’s field would be the same thing then the gravity field, without bosons but only one kind of matter swinging in different frequencies, in agreement with Heisemberg’s principle that forbid to locate with precision the position and the motion quantity of a particle. There wouldn’t be any singularity, but a normal 3d elastic space able to expand or contract itself in chance of need.

In 1936 physicist Carl D. Anderson, while he was working with cosmic rays looking for quite another thing, discovered, for the chance, the muon and soon after said :
"who's booked this one?". When LHC will achieve sufficient energy particles detected by impacts will be more and more numerous and physicists will be in trouble to name them and sure someone of them would say : "who's booked these ones?". At the end particles could be no more visible separated from energetic plasma in wich they would be contained (otherwise there will be not enough strange names).

Marius and I think that Alice will give a sign of the real fine structure of physical space that one time was called

Stefano Gusman

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